Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Aut disce aut discede

Class Stories

"The Devil and Tom Walker" by Washington Irving, was a very intriguing story that made me think of the ulterior motive of life. Money. They all say that money is the root of all evil. However, I disagree, because even though money may be what causes people to change, they do have a choice whether to let money change you or change you for the better.
"Dr. Hiedegger's Experiment" by Nathaniel Hawthorne, also shows human nature. The nature of people willing to do whatever to be young again. These two stories are similar where both teach lessons and show people about the human desires and how they manage to motivate people to do the unimaginable.

Tuum Est

University of British Columbia, located in the province of British Columbia. It is a public research univeristy that has an average acceptance rate of 50.6% as of 2011. It has had a constantly good reputation/rankings and many notable people graduated from UBC. This university appeals to me because this has many characteristics of the types of universities I like, good programs and good locations.

Vox clamantis in deserto 

Located in Hanover, New Hampshire, is Dartmouth College, otherwise known as just Dartmouth. It was founded in 1769, and is part of the Colonial Colleges that was founded before the American Revolution. Boasting its elite status as an Ivy league school and also a private research university,it is know for its specialization in liberal arts. As of 2014, Dartmouth has an acceptance rate of 11.5% and mean SAT scores of 700+ on all 3 subjects. Dartmouth has an exceptional reputation and many notable alumni including, vice-presidents, senators, Pulitzer Prize winners, and of course Noble Prize winners and more!